180 Day Reports Due

In a previous post we talked about what the 180 days requirement means. Now, it’s that time of year again when your association says: “180 day reports due.” Yes, it’s true. No matter what association or accountability option you chose–you have an end of the year report to do. Please don’t say that your association […]

How to Start Homeschooling Mid-Year

How do you start homeschooling mid-year? There’s a variety of reasons that families make the switch to homeschooling mid-year. Whatever the reason–you’ve got the hit the ground running with a new plan. NOW! What does the law require? What does your daily schedule and pace look like? How do you pick a course of study […]

Professional Development For Home Educators

Are you qualified to teach? It’s a question that every home educator has faced.  Yes…we are! Today, I’d like to address some ways that home educators get professional development credentials. I have a college degree in Elementary Education. But if I wanted to teach in a school, I would also have to do continuing training […]

Best Homeschool Advice for Newbies

I’ve been homeschooling a loooong time. I wish I had a time machine to go back to the beginning and tell myself some advice. I can’t though…I write this blog so I can tell you all my best homeschool advice for getting started. >>Check out my guest post about<< >>Expert Advice for Homeschool Success<< I […]

Learn Nothing Day–Try It Today!

Many people come to homeschooling with the idea that kids have to be told what to learn and that learning only occurs in a prescribed classroom setting. But, unschoolers have a day in July that is declared a national holiday. It’s Learn Nothing Day. Learn Nothing Day: Take the Challenge Learn Nothing Day is a […]

Grade Level Guidelines and Standards

What sort of grade level guidelines and standards should homeschoolers follow? As you take on the responsibility of educating our own kids, some of you are wondering what you should be doing at each grade level. How do you know if you’re “keeping up with the schools” or “falling behind“? There are not any specific […]

What Homeschooling Means

In a previous post, I explained *how* to get started homeschooling in SC. Now, let’s talk about what homeschooling means. There’s a variety of at-home education options now that sometimes get confused with homeschooling. >Click here for Easy Tips and Advice from the Experts<< Homeschooling in SC is an exemption to compulsory attendence at the […]

Does *THIS* Count as School?

Does *THIS* count as school? Fill in the blank. This common question demonstrates one of the basic qualifications to homeschool. We worry about these things…when we have our children’s best interests at heart. What “counts” as school? If it counts, does it count a whole day…or just half a day? Does *THIS* count? Does this […]

Public and Private Virtual Schools in South Carolina

Public and private virtual schools are often confused with homeschooling. There may be some similarities, but there are some very important distinctions about legalities and funding. The laws that govern these schools are different from Homeschools. Funding is different, because public funding is not available to homeschoolers (and many homeschoolers actively oppose such funding measures). Note: These Virtual Schools […]

Help! My Child Wants to Go Back to School

Help! My child wants to go back to school! What happens when your child doesn’t like the changes and just wants to go back to school? Maybe you’re just a few weeks or months into your homeschooling–and you’re not sure if this was the right move. My Child Wants to Go Back To School Sometimes […]

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