How do Unschoolers Document Learning?

Homeschool law in South Carolina mandates some basic record-keeping requirements. So, what if you are an unschooler and you don’t actually plan ahead? This is how one unschooler does her journal. How do unschoolers document learning? How do we maintain the records required by law?  These are the most frequently asked questions I hear when talking with other […]

What’s NOT Required by South Carolina Homeschool Law?

What’s NOT required by South Carolina homeschool law? It’s important in know what homeschool parents ARE required to do and are responsible for according to South Carolina Homeschool Law. In previous posts, we’ve covered lots of topics about Getting Started Homeschooling. But, it’s also really important to know what’s NOT required by the South Carolina Homeschool Law. Where ever […]

Homeschool Record Keeping 101

Welcome to South Carolina’s Homeschool Record Keeping 101. The 411 on everything you need to get started. The basics of what’s required in the law. No matter which accountability option you choose–these are the gonna be required.

When is the Deadline to Renew Your Homeschool Registration?

When is the deadline to renew your homeschool registration? This is a question that comes up on the local discussion groups. Let’s take a moment to clear up some of the confusion. Deadline to Renew Let’s start with the law. What does the law say? The law says that all children from 5 to 17 […]

Foreign Language Classes and Curriculum

We have many opportunities for foreign language classes and resources. Something for any age. Several local classes. And even more online programs. You don’t have to be an expert in a subject area in order to teach your child at home. You can learn most anything along with your student or let them learn it […]

Important Homeschool Documents from Your Association

When you register with your accountability, you’ll be issued some important documents that verify you are legally compliant. These are some of the important documents to obtain from your association director. Some of these documents are not automatically issued, so you might need to request them. Talk to your association director about their procedures for obtaining […]

How to Homeschool in South Carolina: Getting Started

Whether you are new to the state or just getting started, here’s what you need to know about how to homeschool in South Carolina. Welcome to homeschooling in SC! Click here if you’re withdrawing a child from public school.  Click here if you want to know more about compulsory attendance requirements. So, you’ve decided to homeschool…and […]

Basic Qualifications to Homeschool

Do you have the basic qualifications to homeschool? See, when the school’s take on the task of teaching other people’s children, there are some qualifications and training necessary. So, it stands to reason that when a parent takes on the responsibility to educate their child, there should be some basic requirements too. Are you qualified […]

Who’s the Authority Anyway?

How do we know “you homeschoolers” are official? Who oversees you? Who’s the authority that holds you accountable anyway? These are the questions I often hear from school officials. Sometimes I hear homeschoolers saying similar things. I believe these questions are missing the foundational concept about education–and who is the authority over it anyway? Are […]

Profile of a South Carolina Graduate

The Department of Education has developed a profile of a South Carolina graduate. It stands as the goal of the public education system to produce a well-rounded, productive citizen. Let’s see if our homeschool grads fit the profile, too. As homeschoolers, that’s our goal too. I think it’s beneficial to take a look at the […]

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