NCAA Tutorial Workshop

NCAA for SC Homeschoolers Workshop Presented by: Pathway Educational Group #replay Do you have a high schooler considering College athletics? Then, they need to be academically eligible to play through the NCAA eligibility center–even if you’re not getting athletic scholarships. This tutorial workshop is presented by Durema Berry at Pathway Educational Group. NCAA eligibility can […]

Homeschool Proms and Dances

When do homeschoolers socialize? Don’t you miss out of fun things like Proms and Dances? Nope…not at all. We have lots of homeschool proms and dances going on. Updated 1/22/2024 Here’s a list of groups and events going on. I’m including some details about the local group that is hosting the event, too. Most of […]

Homeschool Graduation Programs

What about graduation? Won’t you miss out on graduation if you homeschool? Nope…we have graduation programs too! (Updated 1/23/2024) Graduation Ceremonies are important milestones to celebrate. Homeschool families and groups have Homeschool Graduation programs. Some groups are for their members only…and other groups allow any homeschoolers to come celebrate the accomplishment together. Homeschool Graduation Programs […]

SC State Scholarships

The cost of college tuition can seem very overwhelming. Let’s start with the SC State Scholarships that are available. You should also apply for private scholarships, because they will stack together and help your college tuition become much more affordable.   The Commission on Higher Education has compiled a great resource at SC Can Go […]

Easy Scholarship Opportunities

In a previous post, we talked about the state scholarships available in SC. But, college tuition is often more than that. So, let’s take a look at a few quick and easy scholarship opportunities for you to consider. There are hundreds of scholarship programs around. Many of them require a bit of time and effort […]

Standardized Tests for High Schoolers

Consider these standardized tests for your high school homeschooler. Some doors of opportunity will open because of these tests. Test results can give credibility to back up your high school transcript. Click here for my free printable high school planning guide: These tests may qualify your student for scholarships and help determine college or career path […]

College Scholarships

As you plan ahead for what college you might attend after graduation, you’ll also need to consider how to pay for it. Your transcript and GPA will help qualify for various college scholarships worth considering.  Grants and Scholarships are money that you don’t have to pay back. You want to find as many of these opportunities […]

Common Homeschool Transcript Mistakes

In a previous post, I explained how to make your own parent-made transcript. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the common homeschool transcript mistakes to avoid. Image by Steve Johnson from Pixabay As homeschool parents, we want the doors of opportunity to open for our students. If we want equal opportunities for […]

Homeschool Requirements vs Diploma Standard

We’ve talked before about High School Record-Keeping–with the SC Diploma standards in mind. Let’s dig a little more into the differences between the homeschool requirements vs diploma standard. What’s the difference anyway? If your student is not going to college. If your student is burned out on academics and ready to be done. If your student […]

Dual Enrollment for Homeschoolers in SC

Technical colleges and universities allow high school students to take college courses.Here’s some help navigating the terminology and opportunities available for dual enrollment homeschoolers in South Carolina. Dual Enrollment College Credits You can earn High School Credit *and* College Credit at the same time. Colleges allow high schoolers (usually Juniors and Seniors) to take college […]

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